《在父亲的氛围中》In My Father’s Atmosphere

来源: 2019-09-06 22:48:16 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:






        In My Father’s Atmosphere 





                       By Jade





I know you are still here


otherwise, how could a crisp call before dawn


blurted out from me, and


for several days?


you must have wanted to hear me


calling you “dad” again





I sit at the breakfast table in the morning 


on the left is your seat, and the mug 


that I gave you last Father's Day


I used to warm up a bowl of soy milk for you


then quietly shared a fritter


sometimes, I made a pot of dough drop soup 


we both ate wholeheartedly, face to face 


but now, only a bowl of cold cereal


catching my tears 





These days, I fell asleep on the sofa in the living room


your smell is still there, also on the blanket, and books


in this world, and in the coming years


I would never find the smell of my father again


let me enjoy the last few peaceful sleep nights


in my father’s atmosphere 



























我知道 你还在


否则 一声清脆的呼唤 


怎能在黎明前 从我嘴里脱口而出 


而且 连续几日?


你一定又想听我叫你 ”爸爸” 了




早晨 我坐在饭桌上


左侧是你的座位 和父亲节送给你的茶杯


我习惯了 为你热一碗豆奶


然后 静静地与你分吃一根油条


有时 做一锅我们都爱吃的面疙瘩汤 对喝


可是现在 只有一碗冰冷的 cereal 






这几天 我躺在客厅里的沙发上睡着了


沙发上还残留着你的气味, 毯子和书上也是


在这个世界上 此后漫长的岁月里


我再也寻不到 掬不起 




就让我最后 在父亲的氛围中



















