以前写过一首行香子兰陵王, 和君一首:

来源: karenkn 2019-08-01 00:13:51 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1588 bytes)
回答: 兰陵王Kastalia2019-07-31 21:59:37


 秋水盈盈,一带清辉。 月长归,花遗予谁?

春衫憔悴,玉面低垂, 叹弓刀毁, 银袍碎, 铁骑悲,

青丝渐乱,星升霞坠。 美修罗, 再战钟馗。

剑锋凄冷, 心内成灰。 笑泯恩仇, 多负累,莫相随。

 LanLing King

 chilly flow an autumn stream

bearing splendor of silvery gleam

years have past

for whom to cast?

 ragged rag in ashes bag

youthful soldiers, pillaged pride

broken arrows, battered sword

shattered glow of armored shield

cavalier’s loss a battered fight


broken emblems in battle field

dusty stare of wearied eyes

stampede awakened devil’s cry

howling war where bodies lie

 cold sword, sharpened blade

hopes turned into ashes lay

rivalries forgiven in foreboding grin

bearing burdens full of sin

how can he ever win?



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