致那黑暗的几分钟 我掉进了一个真空的漩涡, 想说话,却喉头紧锁 我四肢僵硬,手足所措 你的影子愈来愈模糊 我想伸手拉住你 但是我的手臂力量全无 我的身体已被漩涡掏空 只剩心头的苦 我知道,我已经死去 我又被抛回到了这个世界 带着一个支离破碎的梦 我在分离中死去 我在思念里重生 然后我又用英文写了一遍,略微改了几个字,以便押韵: I wanted to scream, but my throat was locked up My limbs were stiff, I didn’t know what to do with this stuff You were fading from my sight I wanted to extend my arms to pull you tight but I lost all my might my body was sucked empty by the turbulence and bitterness was the only permanence I knew I was dead I am thrown back into this world with nothing but a stuttered nightmare I just died with goodbye and I am reborn into despair
To Those Darkest Few Minutes
I fell into a turbulent vacuum
• 赞一下! -细豆荚- ♀ (0 bytes) () 06/12/2015 postreply 12:54:10
• +1 -Eragon- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/12/2015 postreply 13:16:22
• 谢谢二位! -一个闲人- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/12/2015 postreply 13:26:43
• 佩服,中英文一起上! -研究研究- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/12/2015 postreply 14:13:46
• 谢谢 -一个闲人- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/13/2015 postreply 18:46:30
• 写得好!赞二下! -石蝶- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/13/2015 postreply 11:30:15