
来源: 2009-01-16 11:15:45 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
New study suggests the feeling of power and mastery in a video game creates enjoyment in most cases. Perfect excuse for my teen son why he so indulges himself in violent online games.
Might I say the feeling of power and manipulation of words in writing a piece of poetry is similar? But this is a much better and healthier addiction. Great excuse for us here to engage ourselves in word manipulation :)
I will release my much-awaited word-manipulator soon, stay tuned......:)) it will come like roller-coaster.

Happy new year !

Here's one Talk-Show style piece I created many many moons ago, please don't say you don't laugh, this is unfair to an amazingly-educated word manipulator!

what's up toe?

I don't think the following is a hodge-podge of a fuddy-duddy's itsy-bitsy mumbo-jumbo or some other fancy-shmancy stuff. I racked my brain for hours to come up with this attitude. I don't wanna share this with every Tom, Dick and Harry. I know it's no skin off my nose to tell you all about this. But, you're my pal, I'd give the shirt off my back for you, why can't we just talk turkey? I know different strokes for different folks, but if you would like me to have a heart-to-heart with you, here we go. I'm not gonna beat around the bush, I'm gonna hit the nail right on the head. I know your gut reaction to my words won't be good, but don't get your nose out of joint. We may get off on the wrong foot, but in time we're gonna see eye-to-eye. I wish I weren't beating a dead horse and my words weren't falling on deaf ears. I know I'm chewing you ear off and you can't stomach me 'cause the way I speak doesn't kiss up to you and I just shoot off my mouth!

Life is a tough row to hoe and there are lots of things to wheel and deal, but you gotta live by hook or by crook. Whether you're a hoity-toity hunk or a namby-pamby wimp, you're gonna blow something sometimes somewhere somehow in a big way. I heard that you just screwed up a make-or-break job while your office-mate just pulled off a gravy train. I also heard that you're in the doghouse these days: your boss chewed you out 'cuz you couldn't cut the mustard and you simply fly by the seat of your pants. Don't have a cow, man! This isn't the worst. Have you forgot the days when you were in a pickle and had to pound the pavements last Summer? Maybe you were just way off base right off the bat. I mean, isn't it likely you're dead wrong the time you made up your mind to come over to this jungle? Don't be such a sorehead! Yeah! the grass is always greener on the other side, then roll back to where you came from, how do you like them apples?

I know you're such an eager-beaver full of vim-and-vigor, and you've got a purple passion to get here or there. Come on, don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Isn't that true most of your great blueprints fizzled out and all the fussing up and down just turned you into a basket case? Where is that peppy guy we used to see? Hey! even if push comes to shove, you still have a good head on your shoulders, so don't go off the deep end, instead take it in stride, then you may get your second wind and finally come off with flying colors, right? For Pete's sake! Get back on your feet and get a life! Now, don't be such a zero. Yep, you've ever been such a one-in-a-million hotshot, but get with the program! That was a flash in the pan and that's history. I don't mean to put you down, but wake up and smell the coffee! if you snooze, you lose! You know, life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes you're at the end of your rope. But don't bottle yourself up! Let those heebie-geebies roll off your back. Why do you get so pissed off and let things drive you up a wall? Man, don't blow your cool and don't knuckle under. Hang in there and keep a stiff upper lip, you gotta fight tooth and nail to get somewhere. Don't go ape over knick-knacks you've got 'cause they are for the birds. Just stay cool as a cucumber 'cause sooner or later shit's gonna hit the fan and again you're gonna be deeply mired and up creek like falling between a rock and a hard place.

Off the top of my head, I bet you're gonna be dog-tired for the rest of your life no matter what you do 'cause that's the only way the cookie crumbles. Remember, you shouldn't dilly-dally, you better put your nose to the grindstone and work O/T rather than noodle around and chew the fat on the horn while on the job, that way, you don't have to live hand-to-mouth, and you can bring home the bacon. Just keep your shirt on and zip up your lips. Don't drop the ball, but keep rolling it 'til you get your Green Card. But don't let that crud swell your head. It's not worth a dime to let that crap eat you up. Buck up and be faithful, only your faith is gonna do the trick and gives you a glimmer of hope. Have you ever thought of those days when you were stone-broke and didn't own a red-cent? Remember the day when you couldn't fork out that kind of dough for a rattletrap only worth 800 clams and you had to thumb a ride into downtown wishing you could shop till you dropped?

So, why is your life such a helter-skelter hustle-bustle like an endless wild goose chase? What do you mean you couldn't figure it out? If it'd been a snake, it would've bitten you! The answer is right under your nose, put your finger on it! Unfortunately too often you just turn up your nose at it and shilly shally like a doubting Thomas. The knack is as plain as the nose on your face! But most of the time you're on your high horse with your nose in the air and you think you're such a real peach. Excuse my ragging on you. Drop it, for corn sake! Stop being so hard-nosed and such a stupe stuffed shirt. Doesn't this hit a nerve with you? I know your nerves're on edge, let me speak straight from the shoulder and come clean with you: If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. I'm spilling my guts to you and just want you to know how you can get the guts to face the music. Now keep your ear to the ground! Your Achilles' heel is such a pain in the neck that your swollen head won't lower itself down. Do I make myself clear? Your big-head's made you such a smarty pants and then toppled you down in the end! You have been floundering on your own ego trip so hard for such a long time! Without knowing this, you're gonna bite the dust very badly on you own way pretty soon, and end up with groping in the darkness and beating your head against the wall for good! Yes, siree Bob!

Life is majorly the same old-same old 9-to-5 rat-race where you just can't help petering out near the end of it, or it's a mish-mash grind in which you can't make heads or tails out of it while spinning your wheels 'cuz you've forgotten about the brass tacks. Stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off! If you get hold of the bare bone essentials of life, your life's gonna flip flop and become fine as wine and you're gonna have it made in the shade for good and all. Then nothing is gonna bug you, and you're gonna be a bon vivant on cloud nine and feel as snug as a bug in a rug. Now max and relax, and take your mind off the wear and tear of your work, let's get down to the nitty-gritty for a while, all right?

Man! you've finally zeroed in on the truth. I've been bending your ear for such a long time and I finally got this off my chest! I guess that's the whole enchilada, and now it's your turn to pick my brain if you have a bone to pick with me, huh? No biggy! remember, a rule of thumb to play is to stop being so hoggish and get off your head trip! There you go.

Later, Gator! Your Buddy.