testing results from magzine "practical photography"

来源: 2007-12-08 20:19:31 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Both of them are excellent and well worth buying, so if you have any previous investment in Nikon or Canon SLRs, then stick iwth the same brand this time too. For those without an allegiance, the decision is toughter. On paper, there's very little to choose between the two. However, other elements such as the below standard kit lens need consideration too, as this decreases the value for money of the overall package. The D40X's lack of AF points lets the camera down and may be enough to persuade portrait specialists to choose the Canon. But for its better handling and superior kit lens we have just (and it is only just) opted for the Nikon. However, it's probably the narrowest victory we've yet had.