You chicken little

来源: noconfusion 2016-02-23 19:53:34 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (227 bytes)
回答: 新“排华暴乱”恐将爆发!watersnake2016-02-23 19:49:31

blacks are not stupid. They know where the true conflict point is. Any riot against the Chinese will not achieve anything. We also can strategically have the blacks on our side as this is a true minority's issue.


你这个人见到棺材才落泪 -watersnake- 给 watersnake 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 19:57:00

Calculate the risk first. The worry about the risk. -noconfusion- 给 noconfusion 发送悄悄话 noconfusion 的博客首页 (74 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 19:58:47

类似的事已经发生过,你要做鸵鸟?你是paranoid ostrich -watersnake- 给 watersnake 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 20:01:32

Car accidents happen everyday. Are you still driving? -noconfusion- 给 noconfusion 发送悄悄话 noconfusion 的博客首页 (279 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 20:09:41

You don\'t know if a car accident happens on you tomorrow, -watersnake- 给 watersnake 发送悄悄话 (119 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 20:13:55

I am confused. Are you still driving? -noconfusion- 给 noconfusion 发送悄悄话 noconfusion 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 20:16:39

ridiculous, your name is nonconfusion, but you are now confusion -watersnake- 给 watersnake 发送悄悄话 (18 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 20:21:25

Lol yeah you confused me good! -noconfusion- 给 noconfusion 发送悄悄话 noconfusion 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 20:26:26

Liar, you use name nonconfusion, then you -watersnake- 给 watersnake 发送悄悄话 (132 bytes) () 02/23/2016 postreply 20:29:12


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