我给我弟2007年七月申请绿卡。PRIORTYDATE 是 July 26,2007. 看到网上F4排期到了2007年八月一日。但到今天还没收到Package 3. 我应该去哪里查呢? 我去过网站 查, 得到的信息是“On March 18, 2009, we received your Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, Receipt Number WACXXXXXXXXXX, at your local office. If you move, go to to give us your new mailing address.“。下一步怎么办呢?
-Did NVC contact you yet? If no, just wait for National Visa Center (NVC) to contact you. You alos can contact NVC for the status.
See this link for NVC contact: