来源: 2006-12-05 10:39:52 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
This kind of tragedy has happened AGAIN AND AGAIN.

A few years ago, a family also was lost in some forest road - the family was only going out for a few hours outing, eventhough in winter, snowing situation. A young couple with a babygirl, went out without extra warm clothings, nor extra foods... They got lost and were trapped in a blizzard. The young mother had to keep eating snow to produce milk to feed the babygirl. At the end, they were found, when the mother was died already from Hyperthermia, the father was in semi-concious situation, clutching the babygirl inside his clothes in front of his chest. Miraculously, the babygirl's body was still warm and apparently was in good conditions. Father suffered some severe frost bites and had to go thru some surgery. Mother died from saving their baby.

It is a tradegy that should not have happened.

Another very famous tradgic story happened over a decade ago.

A young engaged couple - both were cadets of Air Force Academy at Colorado Spring - drove home for X'mas. They took some less travel roads in order to save time. Again, a very dangerous approach in winter time. They got lost, trapped in snow storms, ran out of gas and food but unable to find direction to get out of the surrendings. At the end, they knew they were going to die, so they bit their fingers to write their final words in blood. Weeks later their bodies were found, only less than 20-30 miles away from main roads where the snow would be plowed and they would be OK.

So often I see discussions on this board, only concentrating on the "excitements" of the outdoor adventures, hardly anyone mentions anything about safety precautions. And some very dangerous encounters eventually turned out OK were actually cheered upon. Luck will eventually run out if you tempt your fate too much. That is all I can say.