挪威森林 Norwegian wood 的迷惑

来源: 2022-10-10 01:59:39 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

刚从Bergen回来,在挪威森林里hiking 天。古木参天 青苔森森,颇为原生态

只是对挪威森林,越来越困惑。为什么挪威森林叫做 Norwegian wood, 不叫 Norwegian woods? The Beatles 有一首同名的歌曲。村上春树的同名小说更是脍炙人口。John Lennon 在歌曲中写道

I once had a girl

Or should I say she once had me

She showed me her room

Isn't it good Norwegian wood?

She asked me to stay

And she told me to sit anywhere

So I looked around

And I noticed there wasn't a chair

I sat on a rug biding my time

Drinking her wine

We talked until two and then she said

"It's time for bed"

She told me she worked

In the morning and started to laugh

I told her I didn't

And crawled off to sleep in the bath

And when I awoke I was alone

This bird had flown

So I lit a fire

Isn't it good Norwegian wood?

所以最后他点了一把火,烧了挪威森林?我问三代只会英语的好友,他怎么理解。他觉得最后只是点了壁炉,烧了几块木头。wood 就是木头,不是森林。最后一句话,只是称赞挪威木头是好柴火。

但是村上春树小说引用了这首歌,叫做挪威森林。到底Norwegian wood 是挪威森林还是挪威木头?