
本文内容已被 [ mdgg ] 在 2009-02-27 18:29:59 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

That is the key differences between Dems and GOP.

GOP -- is more focused on vision/future and competitiveness.

Dems -- more focused on general/social welfare of the whole society with socialism approaches.

Corruptions happen in both parties.

GOP rewards one to be the best, to be the leader, to lead the way, and that has been the way how this country reached its status quo. This has been the american value. That will unfortunately ignore the less fortunate. But this way will stimulate people to strive to be the best. Remember Denxiaoping's theory to let some people to be rich first? It is not entirely fair but it will move the society forward, instead of dragging it down by doing otherwise. About vision. The "unpopular" Iraq war among liberals also reflects the vision/ambition of GOP -- to help Isril and to put a permanent foot in oil-rich middle east. Those are good things for US (note US only) interest.

Dems emphasize a socialized system where everybody has some rice and little bit meat in their bowl, and that of caurse will deter the effort for being the best and getting rewarded. They are appealling to people that they are good at dealing current issue which is often near-sighted. Globally, it is good for everybody else but US.

Obama is, in my opinon, genually trying to help the country. But what he is doing is realy worrisome -- maybe it is the time for US to be weakened now. His social-welfare approaches will attract more and more low-income voters which are increasing in population rapidly. I am sure they'd love to see taking away more money from the "rich" and give the money to them. People have to realize that "re-distribution" wealth is not creating new wealth. If people can get the money for free, then why they'd work hard to earn for it?

In US, 85% of tax collected are paid by those making over 250k, while only 50% of entire population paying tax. The current tax system is already heavily skewed to levy more tax on the "rich", which is in itself not fair to start with. OK, fine, we accept that to re-pay back to the society. But how much is enough? Who are those that making over 250k? They are mostly bussiness owners. When you increase tax on them, they will hire less people, pass the tax increase to end-users like you, or close the bussiness and move to overseas maybe. So how are you gong to stimulate the economy?

By the way, many of the middle income people will pay more tax too when Obama let the Bush tax bill to expire because that bill cut taxes for all.

Well, at the end of the day, some balance has to be established.


Ding!!!!! -萱草花- 给 萱草花 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/27/2009 postreply 10:05:42

Ding!!!!! Again! :D -萱草花- 给 萱草花 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/27/2009 postreply 10:06:21
