金正恩-活着的最性感男人-- 人民日报称?

Kim Jong Un ‘sexiest man’ prank picked up by

 China’s People’s Daily

November 27, 2012, 9:38 AM

China’s People’s Daily Online English edition notes that “U.S. website The Onion has named North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un as the ‘Sexiest Man Alive for the year 2012’.”

While it’s not entirely clear from the write up, whether the People’s Daily is taking The Onion’s accolade completely seriously, it IS accompanied by a 55-picture slide show of Kim.

The photos include snaps of Kim riding a horse, posing with a women’s volleyball team, and numerous military review pictures.

The Onion’s selection earlier this month came just as People Magazine named Channing Tatum the sexiest man alive.


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