和Sis分享文摘:Snoopy named top dog in pop culture

来源: 2009-12-30 12:05:21 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


Snoopy 史努比

史努比当选美国流行文化“第一狗”Snoopy named top dog in pop culture (ZT)

The "Peanuts" comic strip character Snoopy was named the top dog in pop culture by the American Kennel Club on Tuesday as part of its 125th anniversary celebration, beating out a college sports mascot.

Nearly 76,000 online voters chose their favorites from a list of pop culture dogs drawn from television, film, literature, sports and art, the kennel club said.

Snoopy was the pensive dog whose best friend was a bird and who seemed to be smarter than his human master in the comic strip created by the late Charles Schulz, who died in 2000.

"Peanuts," which for close to five decades served as a mirror for the baby boom generation, appeared in 2,600 newspapers in 21 languages. Its daily readership was believed to be the most of any comic strip in history.

Second place went to Texas A&M University's mascot Reveille, followed by Scooby Doo, the television cartoon character.

The top 10:

1. Snoopy 史努比

2. Texas A&M's Reveille 得克萨斯州A&M大学的Reveille

3. Scooby Doo 大丹狗史酷比

4. Eddie from the TV show "Frasier"美剧《弗雷泽》中的艾迪

5. Pound Puppy toys 毛绒玩具趴趴狗

6. Painting "Dogs Playing Poker"绘画《狗狗打扑克》

7. 歌曲 "How Much is that Doggie in the Window"

8. Georgetown's Jack the Bulldog 乔治城大学体育吉祥物--牛头犬杰克

9. 嘻哈组合Baha Men的作品 "Who Let the Dogs Out"

10. Brian Griffin from the animated TV show Family Guy 动画片《居家男人》中的Brian Griffin


史努比在1950年10月4日第一次在《花生漫画》中登场,依据漫画剧情的说法,史努比1950年于10月2日诞生“戴依兹·席尔”狗园(Daisy Hill Puppy Farm,又译“黛茜山小狗农庄),最初的饲主是名叫莱拉(Lila)的女孩,但由于搬家而将史努比送还戴依兹·席尔狗园,后来成为了《花生》主角查理·布朗的爱犬。它运动万能,兴趣是写小说。喜欢吃比萨、饼干及冰激凌,可说是只人性化的小猎犬。它总是端坐在狗屋的屋顶上,不断地幻想,变成各式各样的化身,有时变成律师、棒球选手、酷哥乔(Joe Cool),有时又变成第一次世界大战的飞行英雄,有的时候又变成名外科医师。

他最大的兴趣是写小说,不过他寄给出版社的稿每次都被退回。他总记不住他的主人查理·布朗名字,称主人是“圆头小子”(the Round-headed Kid)。他最讨厌的是隔壁的猫。还喜欢抢莱纳斯(Linus Van Pelt)的毛毯。常和“糊涂塌客”(Woodstock,又译伍德斯托克、胡士托)及兔子们一起玩。

《花生漫画》又名《花生》,是一部美国漫画,作者是查尔斯·舒尔茨(Charles M. Schulz,又译查尔斯·舒兹)。这部漫画最初在1950年10月2日开始发行,到2000年2月13日停止发行。漫画的电视动画版本曾经获取艾美奖,而其假日特辑等动画版先在美国广播公司里翻放时十分流行,甚至流行到全世界。这部漫画在超过2600份报纸中刊登,更在75个不同国家中有3亿5000万个读者,翻译成21种不同的语言。