[E龙接故事]17 Are you positive?

来源: 2022-11-16 15:38:23 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


The huge banner was flying over the Mount Olympus like any symbol that would govern the earth, but not Mars yet. A frantic sound bursted out, "For those who may not know it yet, COVID Omega is here, and more powerful than Ebola. This is not fake News!"
A group of bats flew over the crowds from the Oriental East, unnoticeably. A calm voice came from Juno, " Come to me, kiddos, get a test. I will assign you a green code if you test negative."
"What if I test positive?" Venus cried to Hephaestus. She did not want to immigrate to Mars, carrying the virus, nor would she have a place to stay on Earth.
Minerva chuckled, " Don't you know that I created a smartphone virus that can hack Juno's system and change your code color as I wish! The only thing I need is one drop of your tears upon your true love to activate that dormant virus."