一个世界,两个保尔,How steel made in Ukraine

来源: 2022-02-28 10:57:39 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
尼古拉·奧斯特洛夫斯基, 乌克兰作家,他笔下的《钢铁是怎样炼成的》男主角保尔·柯察金,感动过多少东欧人与中国人,书中乌克兰人保尔与佟丽亚的爱情故事在我们那个灰暗与迷茫的年代点燃不少年青人心中的希望。
百年之后的今天,乌克兰又回到战火硝烟的世界,同时出现了一位女保尔,Iryna Tsvila, 她的故事同样让人感动,为反击侵略者,重披战袍, 献出宝贵的生命。Iryna Tsvila有五个孩子,所以也是一个英雄母亲,有钢铁般的意志。

Below is my translation/edit of his famous words in the book (保尔名言):
The most precious thing is life.  It is given to us only once.  A life should be spent in this way: when we look back on the past, there is no regrett for wasting our time, nor are we ashamed for being mediocre.  Thus, on the day of dying, we could say: 'I have dedicated my adult life and all my energies to the most magnificent cause - the struggle for the FREEDOM of UKraine.  ’
 ——Nikolai Alexeyevich Ostrovsky