
来源: 2021-01-05 14:58:12 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


      这首歌的歌词非常简单,我想就不用翻译成中文了。大家应该都能看懂。我是在听了这首民歌以后才想到有机会一定要去Shenandoah 国家公园看看。


Oh Shenandoah,

I long to see you,

Away you rolling river.

Oh Shenandoah,

I long to see you,

Away, we’re bound away

Cross the wide Missouri.


'Tis seven long years

since last I've seen you,

And hear your rolling river.

'Tis seven long years

since last I've seen you,

Away, we’re bound away

Cross the wide Missouri.

"Oh Shenandoah" (also called simply "Shenandoah" or "Across the Wide Missouri") is a traditional American folk song of uncertain origin, dating to the early 19th century.

The song appears to have originated with Canadian and US voyageurs or fur traders traveling down the Missouri River in canoes, and has developed several different sets of lyrics. Some lyrics refer to the Oneida chief Shenandoah and a canoe-going trader who wants to marry his daughter. By the mid 1800s versions of the song had become a sea shanty heard or sung by sailors in various parts of the world.


「雪納朵」原為獨唱曲,創作年代約在十九世紀的初期,但作者已不可考。今晚所演的版本是美國作曲家華格納(Roger Wagner, 1914-1992)所編寫的,由男中音擔任獨唱之男聲四部無伴奏合唱曲。全曲共分為四個段落,採用獨唱搭配合唱人聲伴奏的襯托,與主音式合唱聲響的輪替手法,表現出寬闊的河水與濃厚的思念之情。