Just come comments:) for you

来源: 2015-01-31 10:51:52 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

"in Chinese 牛逼"--->牛逼 in Chinese

"This word has become" better replaced with "it has become"

"old lady say"—> "old lady saying for accuracy"

"As a word, NIUBI牛逼 is made up of two single Chinese characters"    (seems passive tone here not preferred)

"it's a noun in its origin" beter replaced with "it's noun in origin" for appropriateness.

"It has later evolved into many grmmatical categories" —>" It has later evolved to be of many other natures"

"in daily usage"—>" in daily use"

" how was your bull dick soup?"—> " How was the bull dick soup?"

"After you've read"—>"After you read"


There are some other minor ones in different categories. Anyway, it is a great niubi writing:) Congratulations.