【电影片段配音】Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner

来源: 2012-09-04 12:51:31 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

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[Drayton] I've been talking to your hu*****and.
He seems pretty much upset by all this.

[Prentice] I know. Your wife says you are too, Mr. Drayton

[Drayton] Not upset, exactly.
It's a very difficult problem.

[Prentice] For whom? For you and my hu*****and? I think you'll solve your problem alright.
ALL you have to do is tell them you're against them. That's all. And you'll have no problem.

[Drayton] You're not going to tell me you're happy about this relationship?

[Prentice] This is not a night for talking about happiness, Mr. Drayton. This is an unhappy night.

[Drayton] You've been talking to Christina. I know how she feels.
Can you imagine for one minute that I want to see either one of them hurt?

[Prentice] No, no more than my hu*****and does. But hurt there going to be.
Worse than my hu*****and knows. I think worse than you know too, Mr. Drayton

[Prentice] What happens to men when they grow old? Why do they forget everything?
I believe... those two young people need each other... Like they need the air to breathe in.
Anybody can see that by just looking at them.

[Prentice] But you and my hu*****and are-- You might as well be blind men.
You can only see that they have a problem.

[Prentice] But do you really know what's happened to them? How they feel about each other?
I believe... that men grow old, and when the -- when sexual things no longer matter to them,
they forget it all. Forget what true passion is.

[Prentice] If you ever felt what my son... feels for your daughter, you've forgotten everything about it.
My hu*****and too.

[Prentice] You knew once... but that was a long time ago. Now the two of you don't know.
And the s... strange thing... for your wife and me... is that you don't even remember.
If you did... how could you do what you were doing?