Ah, now I agree with you~~

来源: 2011-09-10 22:32:33 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

even though I still have some reservations. haha

A lot of poets who focuse so much in personal feelings, they might have more "soul", but that kind of soul we all more or less have, I think they are just more articulate than most of us. A lot of time I feel poems exaggerate the feelings.

I admit I kind of discriminate poets, especially modern poets. I don't think they provide too much value in modern society. I value literature much higher than poetry.

You reminded me of one chapter in EPL about Sicilian, about why Sicilian people value art more than other political correctness. Maybe that's why in anceint China poetry was elevated to such a high form of human intelligence.

哈哈, Am I controversial enough now?