[写作练习]My American Dream

来源: 2011-09-07 18:36:56 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

 I used to be an Angry Young Man(Woman) (GTK) (愤青)like Carpdiem, believing that everything in China is so corrupted and things in US simply make more sense. I still think that way to some extend (extent), but I have also realized that the dark side of America is much deeply hidden from the public's eyes. The corruption in US financial system is so well covered that it is a almost a crime protected by laws.
I used to believe a lot of things said about America. I believe(d) it is fair, I believe(d) it is free, I believe(d) it values individuals. And many others. These beliefs still haven’t completely failed me yet, but the rosy color around them is fading quickly and the realityies behind them is starting to show their ugly sides.
The biggest blow that shattered my confidence and belief was knowing how the Federal Reserve and Wall Street work together to deceit (deceive)people of America and around the world. I used to think that the US Federal Reserve, as one of the nearly sacred places like the Supreme Court where justice is served, is the heart of the US momentary monetary system that keeps everything alive, Well, It is partly true, only that it’s more targeted towards keeping the rich alive, instead of us, the common people. The Federal Reserve is privately owned by several rich bankers, who control our money through banks and have no one looking over their shoulders. Their balance sheets are kept so secretly that even congress is not allowed to audit.
As we all know, money talks. And the Federal Reserve is all about money and full of money. Not only that, it creates money and prints money. That is a new concept that completely shocked me. I always believed that money had to be earned. But no, I, have to earn money; THEY, simply print them. Even worse, they print and distribute them to the selected few and we have to earn from them.  
Everything can be bought, the presidency, the CIA, the FBI, the congress, the media, as long as the price is right. When someone, like the Federal Reserve, has unlimited money but no control, is there anything he can’t achieve or destroy?
How can the wealthiest country in the world accumulate 13 trillion debt in 10 years? (If you don’t know how much is 15 trillion dollars are, this link might be able to help.) This question fact is completely beyond my comprehension. (The question is beyond my capability to answer.) One might argue that China has accumulated its wealth by ripping off its working class in the last ten years while America has enriched its people by lending them more money. It is true that between these two counties I would still rather live in the US, but can we live like this forever? Where can this whole debt crisis lead us? I can’t see any light in the end of the tunnel. Can you?
What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you think US is even more corrupted than China?
More Fun Facts:
The presidential race is already in a war of words from both sides:
1) Rick Perry, Texas Governor and presidential front-runner of GOP, sharply criticized the Federal Reserve, stating that it would be "almost treacherous – or treasonous in my opinion" to be "printing money to play politics".
2) Sarah Palin told someone, I still need to figure out who, to  “go to hell”.
3) Ron Paul said the second American revolution had begun.
4) Obama declared war against “the Tea Party” by calling upon his working class voters, “his army”, in Detroit last week.

Just how much is 13 trillion dollars?
Graphical illustration of 13 trillion dolloars.


I found the first part in follow video about Fed quite shocking.