Sorry, I should have written a much longer one to let you reliev

来源: 2011-09-05 18:22:44 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Sorry, I should have written a much longer one to let you relieve the itch~ :))

middle age crisis->midlife crisis.
>> my mistake

First four phrases 对仗不工整。前两句是it is ...后两句是I am...maybe that's your intention?
>> I was aware of it. Should I separate them into two paragraphs or something?

it seems that I will never be the suffering end of my strong Chinese accent. not sure if I understand the logic here, is it a benefit of "opening my mouth" or "studying English". It seems to me, it's not a benefit of neither.

>> I was trying to make a joke. When I converse with a native speaker, sometimes he may need to wrap his brain around to figure out what the hell I am talking about due to my strong Chinese accent, so he suffers a lot. haha~ See I have a small emoticon at the end of the sentence -:D

Is my sense of humor getting rusty? That is even worse than grammar mistakes.

Anyway, thanks 文班 for the bricks.
Next time, I will write a super lengthy one to let you fully indulge yourself in throwing bricks.haha~~