
来源: 2020-11-25 16:43:30 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
4 hours ago — Warning that Switzerland was running low on intensive care beds, the Swiss ... “Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation” (DNACPR) decisions were ...
老年人组织Pro Senectute Schweiz说,医生的呼吁还为时过早,但医务人员坚持认为,在这种令人担忧的大流行期间照顾危重病人的现实中,这种病人的法令是必要的。
瑞士重症监护医学会(SGI)警告说,瑞士的重症监护病床不足,本周呼吁“特别残障人士”,其中包括60岁以上或患有心脏病和糖尿病等健康状况的人,表示希望 在纸上写,以防万一。
Warning that Switzerland was running low on intensive care beds, the Swiss Society for Intensive Care Medicine (SGI) called this week on the “especially imperiled”, including people over 60, or with health conditions like heart disease and diabetes, to put their wishes on paper in case the worst should happen.