
来源: 2015-11-25 10:57:02 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我先生的名字(电话本上查得到的)。最近也丢了几个重要信件。说是一个关于Windows security 的问题。印度口音。我直接就挂了。结果对方很aggressive ,接连打了三次。我又接了:

Caller: Why you hang up on me? 

Me: we don't use Windows system

caller: You do use. Don't lie to me.

Me: Laughing. Don't engage in this kind of business. You are a smart guy who can do Sth better.

Caller: You are laughing. I am calling from RCMP.

Me: RCMP us looking for you.

caller: I will slap on you. ...

Me: Go do Seth smarter. Don't ruin your eastern Indian ethnicity. You are smarter than this. 

Caller: you should see the doctor.

me: I do have some prescription for you. 
