I always have problems with the statement that China

来源: panlm_ 2019-04-27 09:22:43 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (738 bytes)
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1984's GDP was about $259 billions, that had been much undercounted and misleading. A simple estimate would give abolutely different answer. Albeit poor, 1.2 billion people in the 1980s had pretty good life, suggesting that the GDP figure must have been at least 10 times bigger than $259 billions. That's simple!

Similarly, China 2018 GDP was about $42 trillions, much larger than the official figure $13.8 trillions. Look at the actual economic scale and goods produced in China last year, that would confirm what I estimate!

Anyway, thanks for this great post.

Today, it is time to withdraw from WTO, because China does not need more foreign currencies. Think about it.



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