桃花源主, condition of 量子纠缠 and the fallacy of Pan Jianwei

来源: 2018-11-12 06:34:13 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Here is a paragraph from you:

以两个电子为例子, 两个电子态耦合后(比方讲在强磁场下),就不能去碰他们,或者测量他们的态,一直到你想测量时才测量。因为一旦你测量了,碰他们的任何一个,移动两个电子把他们分开。那先前耦合的态就打破了。所以耦合后再分开到很远的两地然后再去测量缠绕态根本就是胡说八道。你要么一开始就是用一个超级大的磁场把远远分开两地的两个电子耦合起来。然后到时间后再分别测量他们的耦合态。这个就是为什么两个费米子的贝尔实验无法严格满足条件。而潘是用“两个光子”蒙混。我这里用引号对”两个光子“。这个问题要写很长才能说清楚。

My question/guessing is that 两个电子态耦合 can only happen under a 强磁场. If yes, Pan Jianwei's quantum communications is simply impossible. 

The reason is that one particle in on earth or Pan Jianwei's lab and the other is in the satellite. Then, it is impossible to have a 强磁场 to contain both of them.

This is an explanation by a layman like me. By layman, I mean that my knowledge of quantum mechanics is limited. Am I roughly correct?