Hong Kong: 'Everyone should have the right to vote' : Freedom is

来源: 2014-10-01 20:17:52 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

We cannot accept the arrangement for elections for Hong Kong's chief executive. Everyone should have the right to vote. I hope the central government can understand our anger, and make adjustments to the policy, because we are not happy.

I don't want to this to end with any violence. If the government can listen to what the people say, this can be smoothly resolved.

I am worried because I think for most people that just graduated, it is difficult for them to buy a house or find a job with good pay. This is important, but the most important is the political system.

Hong Kong people should have the right to choose their leader. Many of us now are not satisfied with the current situation. The government should show us more respect and acknowledge our concerns.

I am afraid that our freedoms will be taken away. It is the most precious thing we have now.

I don't know what will happen next. All I know is that I will keep staying here to fight.