人类的感受在音乐面前变得惊人的一致. 看这些留言. 并且人类的审美也有

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共同标准, 很多西方人也觉得他很帅

edhe pse nuk e kuptoj gjuhen ,muzika eshte shume e bukur ,prekse e shlodhese njekosisht, veshja e djaloshit shume e bukur ,si mbret!!!!!!!!!

rivoish 1 week ago


LOL, that guy in 1:56 freaks me out! O.O

yeshayabora 1 week ago

he'll be gorgeous when he grows up! trust me! ;)

yeshayabora 1 week ago

Although I don't understand what the song is about, I cried....

What a beautiful voice he has.

m*****rad 1 week ago

omg i feel like crying listening to his voice , he's really something ! its amazing !

jetitah21 1 week ago

@TheBagBalm LOL really =.=

I want to hug him..

MiMiRemains 1 week ago
