关心中国民主的海外华裔给诺贝尔评奖委员会的第二封信 (中英文)(ZT)

来源: 大前两米 2010-10-15 21:06:51 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (21880 bytes)
关心中国民主的海外华裔给诺贝尔评奖委员会的第二封信  (中英文)
达赖喇嘛(Dalai Lama)
图图大主教(Desmond  Tutu)
这个案子使被告人刘晓波在中国异议人士中再次引发巨大争议 ,他被提名诺贝尔和平奖也遭到更多人的质疑。
卞和祥 中共制度的政治反对派,中国社会民主党中央委员,美国守护者同盟主席,因追求中国自由民主、支持反迫害被中共列入黑名单。现住美国纽约。
还学文 自由作家,因参与海外独立学者、学生组织,反对中共八九年大屠杀,九二年被中共政府吊销护照。现住在德国埃森。
刘国华 中共制度的政治反对派,原中国东北大学副教授,美国守护者同盟副主席,现住美国纽约。
刘晓东 自由撰稿人,笔名三妹,因在海外参与和支持中国民主运动被中共列入黑名单。现住美国芝加哥。
鲁德成 中共制度的政治反对派,因参加1989年天安门民主运动和蛋击毛像被判处有期徒刑16年,1998年获假释出狱。现住加拿大卡城。
王胜林 中国异见人士,现任汇丰银行资深金融信息分析师,因在海外参与和支持中国民主运动被中共列入黑名单。现住美国芝加哥。
伍凡   中共制度的政治反对派,现任《中国事务》总编辑、中国独立笔会成员、中国自由文化运动协调委员会委员。1957年被当局内定右派份子,1968年被当局定为现行反革命份子判有期徒刑20年,劳改12年,于1979年11月释放,回中国安徽师范大学任教。现住美国加州洛杉矶。
萧虹  自由撰稿人,现住丹麦。
徐水良 中共制度的政治反对派,1973年开始投身中国民主运动,1975年至1979年,1981年5月至1991年5月,两度因参与和支持中国民主运动而入狱十多年。现住美国纽约。
许毅   学者,现任教于英国伦敦大学学院。因在海外参与和支持中国民主运动被中共列入黑名单并多年被禁止回中国探亲。现住英国伦敦。
袁红冰 自由作家,法学家,《中国自由文化运动》发起人,因参加1989年天安门民主运动遭中共当局秘密逮捕,被政治流放到中国偏远城市贵州,2004年在澳大利亚寻求政治避难。现居澳大利亚悉尼。
张国亭 中共制度的政治反对派,网络工作者,1960年十六岁时即被捕劳改,后被定为“反革命罪”判无期徒刑,坐牢长达二十二年,于1982年出狱并逃亡丹麦。现住丹麦。
仲维光 自由作家,因发表研究指出共产党思想及文化的问题,并发表文章批评中国共产党政府而被中共列入黑名单,九七年被吊销护照。现住德国埃森。
Second letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee
from Overseas Chinese Concerned with Chinese Democracy
To: Nobel Peace Prize Committee
Copied to:
Vaclav Havel
Dalai Lama
Desmond Tutu
Herta Müller, 2009 Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature
U.S. State Department
U.S. Congress
U.S. National Endowment for Democracy Foundation
U.S. Human Rights Organizations
International Human Rights Organizations
European Parliament
Date:October 4, 2010
Respected Nobel Prize Committee:
We wrote to you in March this year to express our opinion that Mr. Liu Xiaobo is unsuitable as a candidate for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.  Our reason is that as early as twenty years ago he collaborated with the totalitarian Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by making a speech on national TV denying CCP’s crime of murdering innocent students in Tiananmen Square.
In January 12th, 2009, nearly one year after he was illegally detained, he made a statement entitled “I have no enemies——my final statement” during his trial in a Beijing court.  In this statement, he glorified the CCP’s prison system, and praised the CCP for putting “respecting and protecting human rights” into the constitution, and describing it as “a sign that human rights have become one of the fundamental principles of Chinese law.”  His open praise in the last twenty years for the CCP, which has never stopped trampling human rights, has been extremely misleading and influential.  Through these deeds he has lost the moral image fit for a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
Additionally, we would like to inform you of a new development.  That is, a letter entitled “Appeal for the Nobel Peace Prize for Liu Xiaobo” that someone recently sent to you has become a scandal, because the authors of the letter put all the names of a list in their possession on the letter as cosigners without their consent. In just a few days a number of people have issued statements on the Internet that their names had been used without their knowledge, and some of them did not even agree that Liu Xiaobo deserved the Prize.  As far as we know, the following people have their names put on the letter without their consent: Yang Zi, Bei Ling, Deng Huanwu, Wang Zang, Liu Guokai, Xiong Yan,Zeng Dajun.
Most unfortunately, Ms. Yang Zi, whose name was also unwittingly included, is the wife of the well-known dissident writer Wang Ruowang.  Wang wrote a long article over ten years ago criticizing Liu Xiaobo’s collaboration with the CCP. However, nine years after his death, his wife’s name was used to support Liu Xiaobo.  In her phone call to the web writer San Mei, Yang Zi expressed her disappointment for the un-consented use of other people’s names, and said that many more than the above-mentioned names were also used without consent. Mr. Bei Ling, whose name was also unwittingly included, is the Chinese translator of Vaclav Havel’s book.  In his article “It is freedom, not laureate”, published on September 30, 2010, he said that “I was really unexpected to see myself as a cosigner of a letter with the title ‘Appeal for the Nobel Peace Prize for Liu Xiaobo’, because I had never received from any person or organization a request for my signature on the letter, and I have never signed my name on the letter.”
Attorney Jiang Tianyong from Beijing also issued a statement on October 1, 2010 to withdraw his signature from the appeal letter. In his statement he explained his reason for the withdrawal: “I was deeply disappointed by those who always manage to defame Gao Zhisheng, Hu Jia and Chen Guangcheng when appealing for giving Liu Xiaobo the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. When even the life or death of Gao Zhisheng is still unknown, when the whole family of Chen Guangcheng is being persecuted even as of today, and when Hu Jia is being imprisoned despite incurable diseases, how can I blow the same horn as those who persistently try to put them down?”
Such acts of using other people’s name without their consent and degrading other imprisoned lawyers is not only cheating the Nobel Prize Committee and the Western world, but also damaging the name of the Chinese dissidents, which makes the image of Liu Xiaobo even worse.  We hope the Nobel Prize Committee will become aware of this situation.
Finally, Mr. Liu Xiaobo has been sued in the US Federal Court in a civil rights case, which is filed on August 30, 2010 (see web link at
This law suit has once again made Liu Xiaobo extremely controversial among Chinese dissidents. His nomination has also been questioned by more people.
Based on the afore-mentioned three reasons, we urge the Nobel Committee to seriously consider our opinion, namely, as a highly controversial figure,  Mr. Liu Xiaobo has lost the moral image fit for a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
Sincerely and respectfully yours,
Bian Hexiang  Anti-CCP activist. Member, Central Committee of Chinese Social Democratic Party; Chairman, The Coalition of Guards For American Values, Inc.; blacklisted by CCP for the pursuit of freedom and democracy in China and support for Fanlun Gong’s struggle against persecution. Now living in New York City, USA.
Huan Xuewen   Freelance writer. Passport invalidated by CCP in 1992 for joining overseas independent students and scholars organizations and opposing the 1989 massacre by CCP. Now living in Essen, Germany.
Liu Guohua    Anti-CCP activist, Former Associate Professor of Northeastern University, China. Vice Chairman, The Coalition of Guards For American Values, Inc. Now living in New York City, USA.
Liu Xiaodong  Freelance writer, Pen name: San Mei. Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements. Now living in Chicago, USA.
Lu Decheng    Anti-CCP activist. Sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years for participating in the 1989 Tiananmen pro-democracy movement and defacing Mao’s portrait on Tiananmen with paint-filled eggs; released on parole in 1998. Now living in Calgary, Canada.
Wang Shenglin Chinese dissident, Senior Financial Information Analyst at HSBC. Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements. Now living in Chicago, USA.
Wu Fan        Anti-CCP activist. Chief Editor, China Affairs, member of Independent Chinese PEN Centre; member, Coordinating Committee of Chinese Liberal Culture Movement; labeled as a rightist by CCP in 1957, charged as a reactionary and sentenced to imprisonment for 20 years in 1968; served in labor camp for 12 years; released in November, 1979, and then taught in Anhui Teachers College, China. Now living in Los Angeles, USA.
Xiao Hong     Freelance writer. Now living in Denmark.
Xiao Jing     Manager, Broad Book USA. Rose against CCP for mother’s persecution by CCP for practicing Falun Gong; Canadian citizen. Now living in New York City, USA.
Xu Shuiliang  Anti-CCP activist. Devoted to Chinese pro-democracy movement from 1973; jailed twice from 1975-1979 and May 1981- May 1991 for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements. Now living in New York City, USA.
Xu Yi         Associate Professor at University College London, UK. Blacklisted by CCP for supporting and participating in Chinese pro-democracy movements, and denied passport renewal for many years. Now living in London, UK.
Yuan Hongbing Freelance writer, jurist, founder of Chinese Liberal Culture Movement. Arrested by CCP for participating in the 1989 Tiananmen pro-democracy movement; exiled to Guizhou, China; sought political asylum in Australia in 2004. Now living in Sydney, Australia.
Zhang Guoting Anti-CCP activist, Internet writer. Arrested and sentenced to labor camp in 1960 at age 16, subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment for reactionary crimes, served in prison for 22 years, released in 1982 and fled to Denmark. Now living in Denmark.
Zhong Weiguang Freelance writer. Blacklisted by CCP for publications that point out the problems of Communism and Communist culture, and articles that criticize the CCP government; passport invalidated by CCP in 1997. Now living in Essen, Germany.
Contact persons:
Diane Xiaodong Liu
Email: DianeLiu28@*****cglobal.net
Tel: 312-733-8123
Yi Xu, Ph.D.
Reader in Speech Science
Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences
University College London
Chandler House
2 Wakefield Street
London WC1N 1PF
Cell:  +44 07910 455 428.
Tel:  020 7679 4082 (internal 24082)
Fax: 020 7679 4238
email: yi@phon.ucl.ac.uk




















萧劲(博大书局总经理,因信仰 法  轮   功被中共列入黑名单,现住美国纽约)










对六四屠杀,刘能实话实说,没看见就是没看见。很佩服!共产党做好的赞,不好的批,赞同! -相当冷静- 给 相当冷静 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2010 postreply 21:21:38

中国人就是不团结。所以,别国人民早就当家作主了,中国人连基本人权都没有。 -verjj5- 给 verjj5 发送悄悄话 verjj5 的博客首页 (83 bytes) () 10/15/2010 postreply 23:12:31

民主人士通过这封信来告诉我们民主的真谛.---有人放心把国家交给这帮人手上吗? -悟能- 给 悟能 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/16/2010 postreply 07:16:01



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