美国《新闻周刊》此次利用毛的矛盾论分析当前世界主要矛盾, 新闻周刊写到:
毛泽东是正确的, 我们应该把精力集中在主要矛盾上, 而不是放在次要的矛盾上,而当前世界主要矛盾是需要有能力的世界领袖.
美国《新闻周刊》近日根据各国的教育、健康、生活质量、经济动力、政治环境五个方面对100个国家进行了综合评价,首次选出全球最佳国家排行榜。北欧的芬兰荣登榜首,中国就排 59。
《新闻周刊》亦列举出10名赢得各界尊重的国家政府领袖,中国总理温家宝获赞扬为“人民公仆”( Man of the People)。
The Problem with Presidents
We need global, not just national, leaders.
Mao Zedong was right. we should always focus on the primary, not secondary, contradictions. And right now, our primary global contradiction is painfully obvious: the biggest challenges of governance are global in origin, but all the politics that respond to them are local. There are many wise leaders around the world, but there is not enough global leadership.