
来源: kankantw 2009-08-05 06:13:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2429 bytes)
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说白一点“2009年联合国世界青年领袖大会”是一个招钱甚至是骗钱的点子。这个大会由 Friendship Ambassadors Foundation,一个非官方机构,非营利机构发起,实际上任何人都可以得到他们的邀请函。他们搞的题目是Youth Assembly at the United Nations,看清楚了是 at the UN, 而不是 of the UN,得到邀请后有机会参观联合国的大楼。hahaha.

What is the Youth Assembly at the United Nations?

The Youth Assembly is a three-day intensive program featuring guest speakers, seminars, and global youth exchange.
To receive announcements concerning it, please sign up for the Youth Assembly mailing list!

The Youth Assembly at the United Nations is an opportunity to help young people get involved with the United Nations' goals at a time of imminent reform and change. We feel that it is crucial for the sake of our world’s future that young leaders around the world are provided with this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the United Nations as a vehicle of future peace and diplomacy.

During the Youth Assembly, you can meet members of the Secretariat (staff), Missions (Nation states), and NGOs affiliated with the United Nations. You can hear from UN Agencies, such as UNICEF, UNESCO and also learn about major topics that the U.N. is facing during its major reconstruction.

The Youth Assembly focuses on young people championing humanitarian causes around the world and how to become involved, taking action for what you believe in.

Who may apply?

Anyone, between the ages of 18-26, who is seeking information on ways to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, networking with global youth leaders, practical information on NGO development and skills of social entrepreneurship in support of ‘better world’ activities.

Applicants age 16-18 are also welcome with chaperone.
Youth Achievement Awardees are encouraged to participate and must be accompanied by a teacher or a parent chaperone.

Applicants older than 26 are welcome to attend as observers. The applicable fees and application procedures are the same as for any delegate; please use our on-line application system to apply.

All delegates are invited to participate in the Leadership Seminar preceding the Youth Assembly.


不管是鸡还是鸭的可以得到邀请函。 -kankantw- 给 kankantw 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/05/2009 postreply 06:16:02



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