我是中国老农 - I totally agree!

来源: 2004-03-19 21:50:32 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Totally agree with you! I went to College in another city far from home, that time is year 91-95, just the beginning of extrem rich vs poor in china.

My whole undergraduate is totally black. Although my family finance is OK, I also suffer a lot from the "white eye" from my so-called roomates.

小马上了4年大学,家里给了很少的钱,他打工读书。他也很善良,也帮助别人,但没有一个人和他交朋友。 他的同学们是有责任的,...从这点上看,我对这几个受害者一点也同情不起来。他们嘲弄别人,也因此丧命。

我们国家,一面是人口众多的农民,城市失业大军,和大量的低收入者,一面是高昂的教育产业化。 小马正是因为生活贫困,才导致他交际上的困难,被人嘲讽,物质的贫穷导致精神上的自卑

还有那个举报人,假如小马是黑社会,我想这个举报人就不会这样大义凛然了。他通过告密,拿着小马的人头钱,人血馒头,是那么的高兴,... - yes, I feel so pain for 小马, he is not 22 yet!