Europe and USA relations to china

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I think that china should work on bettering trade relations with europe over usa. Because europe is not seeking to contain china the way usa is. The biggest problem with the last dynasty of china was that china isolated itself, set up self containment. Britain's biggest criticism of qing was that it did not trade with other nations. Under deng china opened up through trade with the outside world and prospered. USA is trying to contain and limit trade by not selling to china chips that china needs. China shouldn't be isolated and trade with europe and learn and cooperate on an industrial level with europe over USA. USA is the one preventing taiwan's unification, usa is the one not selling chips and other commericial goods to china. Then china should work with europe and trade and work with europe whenever possible so as not to be isolated. Like wealth of nations stated it is not the invisible hand but it is trade and factories that will enrich a nation.
