The west's chip blockade

来源: johnliu12345 2023-09-02 11:25:20 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2630 bytes)
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The west accuses china of not playing fair with trade. But then the west is not selling china equipment either where the west can make money by doing so. so china can trade with those willing to trade and close the market to the western nations sanctioning china and make its own chips. China can always make more chips and cheaper it may not be as advanced a chip but make sure that china's market buys them. We want more trade but since the west is not willing to trade then we will close the market somewhat. Trade is win win but then that doesn't mean it is invisible hand without regulation. So this way companies like huawei will survive. Overall china has a market for western goods like chip production tools used in factories and willing to work with the west like joint venture if they don't want to trade then can't blame us for not trading. Like the 90s china opened up through trade china became factory of the world. Chinese saying can't close the door to make wheels. Trade allows china to see the outside world. It is very important. But if the west is closing the door then obviously china can't open the door on its own. Even in the west factories are related to trade. From raw materials of the developing countries to finished goods in the west. Obviously finished goods are paid more because there is more skill involved knowing what to do with raw materials. Like france still need raw materials through trade with developing countries like africa. Without uranium there are no nuclear power plants. But then if you don't know what to do with uranium obviously it is not going anywhere. That's why china threatens to cut off rare earth material like a developing nation. But without the know how like chip making tools, we both lose. Even with raw materials can't turn them into chips obviously china don't win either. Trade is win win. Like 5G from huawei america don't want to buy from huawei 5g there is always someone willing to trade with you when you have a finished goods or product. Ensuring the succcess of china's factories like huawei is more important than punishing the west. And opening up trade allows china to do so but obviously joint venture the boss is still chinese even though the west gets a cut of the profit or money. It is more important for the economy to have jobs than to get the biggest cut of the profit but that doesn't mean you don't get a cut. According to wealth of nation money is for exchange. And through trade there is an exchange. An economy needs people to exchange and trade for factories to work.


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