
来源: 2020-09-17 10:00:24 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
"U.S. intelligence agencies recently increased their knowledge of China’s covert biological weapons program with the help of a defector from the People’s Liberation Army, according to people familiar with the incident.
The defector escaped from China and traveled to Europe, where he is under the protection of a European government security service, according to the sources. The PLA defector believes that Chinese intelligence has penetrated the U.S. government and is therefore wary of cooperating with the CIA and other Western spy agencies.
Still, the defector has provided some information about China’s biological arms program that has reached the U.S. government. No other details of the defection could be learned."
叛逃者从中国逃跑,到了欧洲,在欧洲他受到欧洲政府安全部门的保护。 该叛逃者认为中国情报已经渗透到了美国政府,因此对与中央情报局和其他西方间谍机构合作持谨慎态度。
尽管如此,该叛逃者还是提供了一些有关中国生物武器计划的信息,该计划已经递交给美国政府。 除此以外尚没有其他关于叛逃的细节。
