

哥哥和妹妹 (四)

(2007-07-16 17:20:26) 下一个







哥哥没有那所谓的“TERRIBLE TWO”的阶段。他一直长到现在,六岁多了,才有一点男孩子的调皮劲。但他的调皮程度连一般男孩子的平均值都达不到。








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海鸥飞处 回复 悄悄话 回复冰溪的评论: 对不起,回晚了。刚从 vacation 回来。谢谢你的鼓励。我也读过你的一些文章。你的孩子们很漂亮,很可爱。
冰溪 回复 悄悄话 很喜欢读你的blog entry. 兄妹俩的故事写得栩栩如生, 好羡慕!:) 做为父亲能有耐心坚持给孩子写博客又写得这么好,真不简单,兄妹俩好福气啊:)
海鸥飞处 回复 悄悄话 melly: Thanks a lot for the compliment!

Yes,I always have the will to dance. But I just can't find the way right now. I paused from dancing a few months before my daughter was born. Then I could not find any way to do regular training and competition any more. I know it's unfair to my wife when I go dancing "having fun" while she is taking care of two young kids. (The reasons I say "having fun" are that, on one hand,no matter how hard the training is, it's always "fun" to us die hard dancers--although our primary purpose is not just have fun. And on the other hand, to the general public, dancing is a "fun" thing to do.)

I have danced with my children: I once did a show (Tango) with my two-year-old son and my partner in a spring recital. Also, I have done a lot of (not so serious) dancing with my children with them on my arm. I can't wait to start teaching them dancing. But my son doesn't like dancing much -- now he doesn't even want to go the ballet school any more. My daughter likes music and dancing a lot though. She often dances on her own to have fun. But she is too small to start real dancing now. Maybe next year we can start her in the "creative dancing" class when she turns three.

Sorry, I don't know what I should do to my blog to allow others to add it into their bookmark. Any idea?
melly 回复 悄悄话 You are really a wonderful and smart Daddy. salute to you! :-)

I do not think I am able to write vividly enough in English. So when I wrote something about my son, I prefered in Chinese. But i enjoy readinh your writings. I like your style.

I remember you once complained you had the will to dance again but couod not find the way. Why not try to dance with your daughter? :-) That must be fun.

By the way, why can't I add your blog into my bookmark?
海鸥飞处 回复 悄悄话 Thanks melly! Yes, we call ourselves members of the "好字俱乐部". :-) Maybe you will have a daughter later so you will join the club too. :)

People always say that boys are supposed to be naughty and naughty boys are smart boys. You can write down his stories (especially the naughty ones) so you can show them to him when he grows up. He may not be interested for a while until he becomes a father too. I am in the same situation: I wasn't paying any attention to my childhood stories until now -- now I beg my parents to write down our childhood stories.

You know why I write those stories in Chinese? Because if my children don't learn Chinese well enough, they won't be able to read them and enjoy them, right? ;)
melly 回复 悄悄话 Your writings of Brother and Sister series are so cute. The kids are so adorable. Admire you very much. See, in chinese words, a son + a daughter = perfect. They are perfect, so is your family. :-)

also left a message under series #1.

Thanks for sharing and have fun.

By the way, my son is in his terrible two period. A real rebel.