

2021第五届【老家在中国】世界华人春晚Uplive火热直播 姜昆 李谷一 王洁实 阎维文等众艺术家致贺词

(2021-02-16 13:31:46) 下一个

凝心聚力 开创未来
海外最大的泛娱乐社交平台Uplive 全程直播,全球上万名观众实时观看了晚会直播,直播间粉丝留言火爆,礼物纷呈。老家在中国春晚同时在Uplive YouTube 频道播出,晚会花絮上线24小时收到近2万点击量。在去电视化时代,本次老家在中国春晚直播获得圆满成功!
2/19 美西时间晚6点
2/19 美东时间晚9点
2/20 北京时间上午10点


加入Uplive社区: www.upliveusa.com

春晚得到了包括中央广播电视总台在内的国内外几十家知名媒体的支持。在后疫情时代,凝聚爱的力量,点亮新的文明和希望。晚会汇集了众多的艺术家、歌唱家,著名歌唱家李谷一 、阎维文、王洁实、戴玉强、莫华伦等众多來自世界各地艺术家们云聚一堂与海外华人共庆新春。明星荟萃,阵容豪华。晚会的节目內容安排上兼顾艺术性与流行性,兼顾中西文化的交融。体现各族裔的参与,以爱与和平为主题,实现传统文化的时代表达。努力在传承中创新,内容形式都焕发着蓬勃的生命力。展现出《老家在中国》品牌强大的创新力,凝聚力,影响力。晚会原创主题歌《我的老家在中国》歌词亲切感人,歌曲朗朗上口,唱出了全球海外华人华侨共同的心声。

Join us and watch the 5th "My Motherland China" Global Chinese New Year Festival Gala 2021! Co-sponsored by Hollywood Culture Media Group, World Madam Group, Jiangsu Radio, & TV General Station. In collaboration with the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and China Friendship International Art Exchange. Tens of thousands of viewers watched the live stream on Uplive, the leading global live streaming platform, with thousands of comments and virtual gifts flying across the screen, making it a massive success in the digital content era.
Watch the spectacular event on Uplive:
2/19 6PM PST
2/19 9PM EST
2/20 10AM Beijing Time
Download Uplive now to join the global community and celebrate 2021 Chinese New Year with love and hope! 
This event has received much support from well-known domestic and foreign media. In the post-pandemic era, gather together to light up a new civilization of hope. Enjoy performances from many artists and famous singers such as Li Guyi, Yan Weiwen, Wang Jieshi, Dai Yuqiang, Mo Hualun, and many other artists from all over the world. The program takes into consideration of all artists and the blend of Chinese and Western cultures. It also reflects the participation of many global groups, with the theme of love and peace.
"My Motherland China" Global Chinese New Year Festival Gala aims to bring happiness and New Year best wishes to all people around the world!

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