borisg (热门博主)
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(2024-01-10 07:54:06) 下一个





A painter rented a wallpaper steamer at 9 a.m. and returned it at 4 p.m. He paid a total of $28.84. What was the rental cost per hour?

 A.  $2.43
 B.  $3.61
 C.  $4.12
 D.  $5.77

What is the value of 36x-8y^2, x=3, y=-6
 A.  –288
 B.  –180
 C.  1,200
 D.  3,600

Annie is planning a business meeting for her company. She has a budget of $1,325 for renting a meeting room at a local hotel and providing lunch. She expects 26 people to attend the meeting. The cost of renting the meeting room is $270. Which inequality shows how to find the amount, x, Annie can spend on lunch for each person?

 A.  26x + 270 ≥ 1,325
 B.  26x + 270 ≤ 1,325
 C.  270x + 26 ≥ 1,325
 D.  270x + 26 ≤ 1,325

Dominic earns $285 per week plus an 8% commission rate on all his sales. If Dominic sells $4,213 worth of merchandise in one week, how much will his total earnings for the week be?

 A.  $337.04
 B.  $359.84
 C.  $513.00
 D.  $622.04

Which conclusion can be reached from the information on the map?

 A.  Volcanoes are scattered randomly across Earth.
 B.  Volcanoes are only located along edges of continents.
 C.  Volcanoes are mostly located along boundaries between plates.
 D.  Volcanoes are distributed equally in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.


Which conclusion can be reached from the information on the map?
 A.  Volcanoes are scattered randomly across Earth.
 B.  Volcanoes are only located along edges of continents.
 C.  Volcanoes are mostly located along boundaries between plates.
 D.  Volcanoes are distributed equally in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

The diagram below shows a typical energy pyramid.

Which statement correctly describes the flow of energy through this pyramid?


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阅读 ()评论 (7)
Yu-Yuan17 回复 悄悄话 美国普通大学出来的大学生质量也不咋样啊。更何况这些高中都没毕业的。
大荣确 回复 悄悄话 z老蔫_北美 发表评论于 2024-01-10 19:25:07
十几年前,在一家body shop柜台椅子上等待。另一椅子上有个白人男孩
dr_yin 回复 悄悄话 I had been teaching in an HBCU college for 15 years, and these are the kind of questions I used for testing them.
yangcen 回复 悄悄话 这就是英国出了印度首相。将来美国会出印度总统。 白人走下坡路,不行了。

z老蔫_北美 回复 悄悄话 十几年前,在一家body shop柜台椅子上等待。另一椅子上有个白人男孩,在填写什么表。只有我们俩人。他抬头看了看四周。没其他人,他小声问我星期五怎么拼写。我是头一次遇到白人不会写常用字。反应不上来,……。他重复了一遍,我确认真的没听错。……真稀奇了。
老天真 回复 悄悄话 所以美国要从亚洲、欧洲接受移民,来维持美国的平均受教育程度不至过低。光靠从南美走线来的人是不够的。
大号蚂蚁 回复 悄悄话 左派巴不得发福利的人多