

(2009-03-03 21:31:42) 下一个
I'm tired today. I'm glad I understand now that the world is always built for and controlled by a few people and the rest of the world is just decoration.He told me this. He told me he had just conquered the whole world, by solving a problem that nobody could solve for the last seven years. I don't understand the problem but I believe his words. So it's one vs. the whole field.Yes, same thing happens to money. Only a few people own the whole world. He is a great guy, and I envy him!
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南沟泥河 回复 悄悄话 zheng que!
david.yun 回复 悄悄话 I don't think the guy really does know what is going on in this world. sorry to say this.
水泊梁 回复 悄悄话 Oh,my. What happened to you?