laoyangdelp (热门博主)
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(2007-08-30 16:46:02) 下一个





I think people differ from their abilities most not by training but by genetic. Engineering and computer programming require clear logical thinking and analytical skills while literature does more on creative thinking side. That doesn't say a person of English major can not have clear logical sense.

The article below only prove a person with clear logical thinking and know how to communicate well could be good software programmers regardless one's training.

In ideal cases, people choose their major because they like it or have passion about it. In not so perfect cases people choose a major as a way of earning a living. 楼主 mentioned that he doesn't not like or enjoy programming. That makes him for ever a ok computer programmer even he has master degree on CS.

I do agree that 楼主 made a good choice to stay in his current field as all he wants is a relatively easy job with good pay. What could be better than staying with a well paid job you already know how to do it, regardless you like it or not!

BTW, another good job would be a tech writer that requires good writing (communication) skill and some technical knowlegde.


English as a First Language

I've found that some of the best developers of all are English majors. They'll often graduate with no programming experience at all, and certainly without a clue about the difference between DRAM and EPROM.

But they can write. That's the art of conveying information concisely and clearly. Software development and writing are both the art of knowing what you're going to do, and then lucidly expressing your ideas.

The worst developers, regardless of background, fail due to their inability to be clear. Their thoughts and code tend to ramble rather than zero-in on the goal.

It's easier to train someone in a new language than to teach them to think clearly. C really isn't that hard to learn; it has but a handful of constructs. Most folks can learn the fundamentals quickly.
Debugging takes longer, but all new programmers find themselves at sea when first faced with bugs.

Too many engineering-trained developers have a total disregard for stylistic issues in programming. Anything goes. Firmware is the most expensive thing in the universe, so it makes sense to craft it carefully and in accordance with a standard style guide. Make sure it clearly communicates its intent. This is where the English majors shine; they've spent 4 years learning everything there is to know about styles and communication.


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wenjuyuan 回复 悄悄话 My comments on your English come from my professional habits and I do not mean to mock at you.

你的中文比我的好,上边的两段极其精链,有条不紊,一针见血,看似平铺直叙,却字斟句酌,锋芒闪烁, 不施雕饰,宛然天成,足见功力。
laoyangdelp 回复 悄悄话 回复wenjuyuan的评论:
My Chinese is not good either. 呵呵.
wenjuyuan 回复 悄悄话 On the other hand, if you are a computer science major or math major, you are probably not a very good one either, as your English is indeed illogical in many ways.
I agree that a language major is not necessarily superior in learing to program, but a good language major is just as logical as any math or program major can be.
wenjuyuan 回复 悄悄话 To aoyangdelp: you are probably not an English major, or you are, but not a very good one:) Your English says it all.
laoyangdelp 回复 悄悄话 回复watchwater的评论:
laoyangdelp 回复 悄悄话 回复ytwadk的评论:

summer_rose 回复 悄悄话 任何事情都不是绝对的,不好一概而论。
老虎兄弟 回复 悄悄话 一般学英文的编程能力不如计算机专业出身的,所以也不做编程的工作。但是如果遇到一个学英文而又搞编程去了,那他肯定是高手,这样的人我见过。
穷酸 回复 悄悄话 搞语言的学计算机也不容易,顶一下。
ytwadk 回复 悄悄话 缺两个字,一个人如果爱好文学,那就不太可能擅长数学。

你不能说你是文学专业出身, 现在从事软件开发,小有成就,就说这个专业有编程优势,我也碰到过学文科的学CS最后学不下去的。 比尔盖茨没大学毕业, 创建了微软,但不能说一切没有大学毕业的人都适合创建软件公司。

ytwadk 回复 悄悄话 英文专业的编程能力强,那为什么招工广告都是要计算机专业背景的?我个人认为是否适合做软件开发,关键在于个人是否有逻辑思维能力,具有逻辑思维能力,做软件开发有很大优势,而逻辑思维的开发,通常是爱好数学的所特有的, 通过学文学能被训练出这种思维的不多。也许有特例。一个人如果爱好,那就不太可能擅长数学。这可能也是你以前提到的那个中年人的弱项。
watchwater 回复 悄悄话 攀比是不自信的表现。