
转:Role Model For Gentelmen (ZT)

(2007-01-17 02:38:14) 下一个

I will  try do the same if I find love one!  (The following is not written by me.)

令人感 动的婚姻

这个 HONEY BUNNY 呢就是我老公 . 他 总是尽量多和我分享时间 . He is my tail. Anywhere I want to go, he will go with me.

每天他先出 门去上班之前一定要亲吻我 ( 我 还在梦游呐 ), 但若有那 么一天他因为急着出门而忘了亲吻我 , 我却知道 . 当我 查问他时 , 他会 说 : “Honey, I was in such a rush to get out of the door, I could not kiss you. I will give you double kisses after I get home tonight.” Sometimes he will call me right before I get up, because he is afraid of that my alarm o’clock did not go off.

We will talk 2 to 3 times over the phone each working day and asked how each other is doing; or planning for the night out. He will say “I love you” to me every day either over the phone or in person. Sometimes when we both busy and could not call each other, he would come home and say: “Honey, I missed your sweet voice today”.

He makes me feel that I am the most precious person in this whole world. Remember when he gave me the diamond ring, I said this is very precious, and he said because you are precious to me, which made me feel very moved.

He never lies. He does not know how to lie. He has very high moral standards. He was brought up in a very good family. Mother side is of Scottish heritage, father side is of Irish heritage. Both his parent’s family has been in North American a few generations already.

He will carry anything heavy when we went shopping; he never let me carry heavy stuff. 他 总是主动找家里应该修理的东西来修理 . I am always amazed how good he is at this.

When we were dating, I was mad at his late for two times. He never gets mad at me when I was late a few times. He always remembers my birthday and our anniversary. He is a fantastic driver, much better than me. I think that is because: 1. he is very good at his hands. 2. he started to drive at age of 16.

He likes to help me to do house work and chatting with me at the same time. He will wash the dishes (he does not like our dishwasher) and play his or my favorite music.

He loves my accent. He thinks that is cute. He saved all my messages to his cell phone until the mail box is full he has to delete some.

He respects me and is proud of me. He always tells me that I am very successful here when I am planning for a higher goal in my career. He likes me the way I am. He does not want me to change in any aspect. He never thinks I am fat (I am actually not, but I wish I could lose 5-10 pounds). He thinks that I am very beautiful. When I try to do some make up and he would say:” Honey, you do not need to put those on. You are already very beautiful”.

When we have fight(it happens maybe once or twice a year), he will be eager to solve the problem. So we talked it over and both of us felt better after that.

If something he did is wrong and made me unhappy, he will apologize to me. He always makes sure that I am happy.

He has good sense of humor. He makes me laugh and I make him laugh too. He is childish sometimes, which makes him even more adorable.

He can be emotional. He wanted both of us live very long. He hopes that we can leave this world together, if not the other party will be very sad. The emotion between us are as strong as when we first met.

He thinks I am funny. He thinks I am cute. He likes all my stories; I like all his stories. When we went shopping and I found a nice clothes and kind of hesitate, he would say: “Honey, do you want me to buy it for you”. He is not very rich or poor but he is very generous to me. I cook most of the time, but he will come to help me in the kitchen, such as wash the vegetables, chop the meat, etc.

He is very good looking and fit. He looks 5-10 years younger than his age. He is 5 years older than me. When we go shopping, he is always eager to look for clothes for me. He said he had too much clothes (he did).

If I cannot sleep he will talk with me and try to make me feel relaxed.

He do not talk to any of his ex-girlfriend.

He will discuss big or small things with me.

喜 欢我,全心全意 . 嘻嘻 …

We both feel lucky to have each other in our lives. I am sure husbands of sisters in this forum have husbands somewhat the same. I would like to use the famous saying to finish: 幸福的家庭是相似的 , 就象 这里的姐妹们 .

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小燕子28 回复 悄悄话 好文章, 好感动, I like it.
Have a nice weekend.
希桐 回复 悄悄话 miss you so much,mike~~~
希桐 回复 悄悄话 :)
SilentnightChristmas 回复 悄悄话 This is what girls expected.
安吉儿 回复 悄悄话 Too sweet to bear.....
甜甜蜜蜜 回复 悄悄话 哈哈...要作成这样可不容易.要先作十二分的努力,再要受十二分的委屈.