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中国历史上的以杀富济贫题替天行道最后荣登天下第一把交椅的英雄好汉们,夺了权后发现,富人们才是他们真正的朋友,有油水可捞。帮他们打江山的穷光蛋们老报着跟大王平起平坐,要共享荣华富贵的思想不放,对大王个人贪图享受很为不满。 结果怎么样?大王发现自己真要杀的不是富人,正是这些帮他打江山的泥腿子们。这些家伙觉悟太低,不知道还有比他们更苦的穷人需要帮助吗?




WASHINGTON – Union leaders, among the most passionate backers of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, pressed Democratic senators Thursday to drop a tax on high-value insurance plans to pay for remaking the nation's system.

As the Senate entered its 11th straight day of debate on the sweeping legislation, members of several labor unions denounced the proposed tax on so-called "Cadillac plans," arguing it wouldn't just hit CEOs but also middle-class Americans who did without salary increases to negotiate better health benefits.

"I support health care reform but I can't afford this tax," Valerie Castle Stanley, an AT&T call center worker and member of the Communications Workers of America, said at a news conference outside the Capitol. "For families like mine that are on a budget, the results will be devastating."

At issue is a proposed 40 percent excise tax on insurance companies, keyed to premiums paid on health care plans costing more than $8,500 annually for individuals and $23,000 for families. The tax would raise some $150 billion over 10 years to help pay for the Democrats' nearly $1 trillion health care bill. The legislation, which appears to be edging closer to passage, would revamp the U.S. health care system with new requirements on individuals and employers designed to extend health coverage to more than 30 million uninsured Americans.

The threshold for insurance plans that would be taxed had been adjusted higher in response to union members' concerns, and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., a leader of those efforts, has said there could be further changes. But labor organizations including the Teamsters, the AFL-CIO and the National Education Association are urging the Senate to drop the tax entirely and take the approach embraced by the House, which would raise income taxes on individuals making more than $500,000 a year and couples making more than $1 million.

Union leaders have brought hundreds of members to the Capitol this week to lobby lawmakers.

"We should tax the millionaires, not teachers and bus drivers," said Lily Eskelsen, vice president of the National Education Association.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who spoke at Thursday's news conference, has authored an amendment with Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, to strip out the insurance plan tax, but doesn't yet have agreement from Senate leaders to offer it. A number of Senate Democrats and White House officials support the insurance plan tax because they believe it would help hold down health care costs by providing an incentive for companies and workers to spend less on health care packages.

On the Senate floor Thursday, Sens. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., and John McCain, R-Ariz., pushed an amendment to allow U.S. pharmacies and drug wholesalers to import Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs from Canada, Europe and a few other countries. It was unclear when a vote would take place, and people on both sides of the issue said it will be tough for supporters to get the 60 votes they'll need to win.

As a candidate, Obama supported allowing U.S. consumers to order lower-cost prescriptions from abroad. As president, he needs the backing of the drug industry to push his health care bill through Congress. While administration officials contend the president still agrees in principle, the FDA is saying it would be difficult to fully guarantee the safety of imports, lending weight to the industry's main argument.

The most crucial work on the overall bill was being done behind closed doors, where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and his lieutenants were hunting support for a tentative deal among moderate and liberal Democrats to expand the government's role in providing care.

In a bow to a crucial bloc of liberals, the compromise drops a full-blown government health plan that's a top priority for liberals. Instead, the same federal agency that negotiates health insurance for federal workers and members of Congress — the Office of Personnel Management — would administer national, nonprofit plans available to the public.

In addition, Medicare, currently for those age 65 and up, would be offered to people who are at least 55 and wished to purchase coverage. That provision could guarantee that Democrats won't get the support of moderate Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, the only Senate Republican to support the Democratic health care bill in committee. Snowe said Thursday that expanding Medicare is "the wrong direction to take," citing concerns that the program's payment rates, which are low compared to private insurers, would hurt providers such as hospitals and doctors.

Reid and moderate Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., continued talking about restrictions conservatives want on how to prevent federal health care funds from being used to finance abortions.

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unix 回复 悄悄话 对气候门丑闻的深入报道,“这些电子邮件引出了一种可能性--我们一直以为是有了定论的科学问题也许需要重新检查一番”


2009-12-13 18:17:12
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丑闻终于被揭开了:这些顶级科学家正在竭力推广“人造的全球变暖说” !这个丑闻堪称为“现代科学中最大的丑闻”。这些气候“科学家”之间电子件邮往来的细节,揭开了一个蓄谋已久的惊天阴谋:他们共谋夸大气候变暖数据、尽可能地非法销毁对他们不利的信息,有组织地抗拒信息披露,玩弄数字游戏,私下里承认在公开场合言论中的谬误,如此等等,不一而足。很显然,这些曝光的具体内容不是黑客所为,而是内部人的行为:有一个“自己人”吹响了警哨 ;现在连这所大学的官员们都被迫承认,这些电邮全是真实的。

这些电邮内容的意义如此重大,已经使得国际媒体把这个丑闻形容为“气候门” ,把它与1974年迫使一位美国总统辞职的水门事件相提并论。这些电邮内容所揭示的,正是这个具有最大影响力的科学家小组,多年来通过他们自己在联合国的核心位置--“政府间气候变化专门委员会”(IPCC)上所扮演的角色,推动了在全世界范围内发布关于全球变暖的警告。



很显然,这封电邮涉及到过去十年中全球平均气温测量,这帮“全球变暖黑手党”一直就是用它来证明:人类必须支付千万亿美元在全世界大量降低二氧化碳排放,同时降低全球的生活水平,这样做才是合理的。甚至连德国《明镜》第 47期都提到,英国顶级气候研究机构哈德利(Hadley)气候变化研究中心刚刚公布的数据显示,十年来全球气温一直很平稳,没有上升。让冰山融化、大水淹没德国汉堡市的谣言见鬼去吧!




vesper 回复 悄悄话 美国的这帮蠢蛋只知道医疗保险需要钱,并不知道大笔的钱都跑到私人的腰包去了。这也难怪,美国人的数学太差了。
vesper 回复 悄悄话 曾经有这么一句话:只有社会主义能够救中国。现在看来只有社会主义能够救美国穷人。
起时 回复 悄悄话 顶!
一鸣吓人 回复 悄悄话 现行政策是明摆着的:钱仓票仓的人的既得利益和福利都是不会动的,所以只有让穷人(所谓的中产阶级)去接济更穷的人而已。
firm 回复 悄悄话 you are 100% right!