
本帖于 2021-11-19 00:30:23 时间, 由普通用户 艾粉 编辑

A song for a lady

I'm sorry for the scars I've given you
Making tears fall down your gentle, white cheeks

Forgive me, please forgive me
I'll be so frightened if you leave
Because I love you so

Once you were not by my side
It was so hard and lonely
On that rainy day I stood outside crying

I love you, I miss you
I promise to make you as happy as you've made me
You'll never get tired or sad
Please come back

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry
And I love you
You don't know how many times I've sung this song
And tears form in my eyes

Today, I want to see you so much
I held tight on to your picture in my two hands
Tears fell from your eyes
And now you are crying with me

I love you, I miss you
I promise I'll make you as happy as you've made me
From now on, you'll never be tired or sad

You're coming back
I believe in you

I love you

Once, just once please hold on to me
For that one reason I'll never cry again

This is my last love
I'll pray that I'll never lose you again




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