Egy rózsaszál szebben beszél - Peller Károly(匈牙利歌曲)

来源: 小矮人COCO 2020-08-29 13:18:09 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8775 bytes)
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Egy rózsaszál szebben beszél - Peller Károly(匈牙利歌曲)

"János Vitéz"("约翰·瓦利安特")是一首由森多·佩泰菲用匈牙利语写的史诗,也是庞格拉克·卡切赫根据这首诗改编的歌剧。此视频歌曲自该歌剧。


A Rose Thread Speaks Better...

A rose speaks more beatifully than the most loving letter,
The person who sent it can't write it,
Because the one who sent it is no longer alive.
Resting in the silent cemetery,
Her eyes closed by death, 
Roses grew from her dust.
A rose thread, I brought this , in it her love lives,
So the faithful love can love from beyond the grave even more.

Resting in the silent cemetery,
Her eyes closed by death,
Roses, roses, roses, roses grew from her dust.
Resting in the silent cemetery,
Her eyes closed by death,
But her love lives in this rose,
This rose, rose, rose, rose.