
本帖于 2012-01-31 20:45:48 时间, 由普通用户 yuanyuan88 编辑

20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best Of Chuck Mangione
Category: Rock/Pop Albums, Jazz flugelhorn Instrumental
Label: A&M
Orig Year: 2002


Charles Frank "Chuck" Mangione is an American flugelhorn player and composer who
achieved international success in 1977 with his jazz-pop single, "Feels So Good." Mangione
has released more than thirty albums since 1960.

20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection - Chuck Mangione gathers ten of the jazz
-pop maestro's best-known performances, including "Land of Make Believe," "Feels So Good,"
"Chase the Clouds Away," and "Children of Sanchez." As with the other Mangione compilations
available, 20th Century Masters focuses on his '70s heyday, and while this collection doesn't
offer anything particularly different, it's also a good starting point for anyone interested in one
of crossover jazz's pioneering, and most successful artists.

Chuck Mangione出生於紐約附近的小城Rochester,家中並無任何一位從事​​與音樂相關的工作,但
請樂手到家吃宵夜,於是認識了不少爵士樂手,包括Dizzy Gillespie、Larmen McRae、Sarah
到Art Blakey的邀請加入樂團,Chuck則認為在開始任何事之前,學業的完成是最重要的,不過在校
期間,他和哥哥Gap也共組了The Jazz Brother樂團,但真正踏入樂壇還是他加入Art Blakey and the
Jazz Messengers之後,後來他陸續推出幾張個人專輯,1977年的「Feels so good」專輯的成功更將

Track Listings (Music randomly play 音樂隨機播放):

1. Land of Make Believe (Esther Satterfield, Esther Satterfield Chuck Mangione)
2. Bellavia (with Quartet)
3. Main Squeeze
4 .Chase the Clouds Away
5. Feels So Good
6. Hide & Seek (Ready or Not Here I Come)
7. Children of Sanchez
8. Hill Where the Lord Hides
9. Fun and Games
10. Give It All You Got

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本-----

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