

Programme of the concert:

François DUMONT (France)

Polonaise in A flat major, Op. 53
Impromptu in G flat major, Op. 51

Daniil TRIFONOV (Russia)

Mazurka in B major, Op. 56 No. 1
Mazurka in C major, Op. 56 No. 2
Valse in E flat major, Op. 18

Ingolf WUNDER (Austria)

Andante Spianato and Grand Polonaise in E flat major, Op. 22

Lukas GENIUŠAS (Russia/Lithuania)

Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op. 60
Valse in F major, Op. 34 No. 3

* * *

Yulianna AVDEEVA (Russia)

Piano Concerto in e minor, Op 11
Allegro maestoso
Romance. Larghetto
Rondo. Vivace

The National Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Antoni Wit will accompany the first prize winner.

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