工具使用说明 (恕不在email里唠叨啦)

来源: LiYouCai 2007-09-14 18:51:39 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1138 bytes)
Hi Guys.

To use the tool, follow the steps outlined below.

1- Copy the attached files -- download and songlist.txt --- to c:\mp3 and run it from there.

2- Rename the file 'download' as download.exe, since Gmail does not allow me to send download.exe

3- You may edit the songlist to contain the only songs you like.

4- Go to LiYouCai's site and say "good job"

The version I am sending is for home-use only and may not work in office. If you need to run it in office I'll send you another version which you need to suppy some proxy info and personal credentials.

You can check the progress of the downloading by looking at the files downloaded. The time it takes depends on your network (and the source's) speed.

Let me know if it does not work. The size can be several GB of disk space.

Finally, a disclaimer -- I assure you that it is not virus will not hurt your machine. However, I will not take any charges for for any damages caused by your using the tool.




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