【圣诞礼物】98度的暖人歌曲 -- 《This Gift》

    圣诞早晨,是开礼物的兴奋时刻,秋拆开一盒包装简单,内容却无比精彩的礼物 - 盒子里装满了朋友的友爱和关怀!走进YYKD以来,来自新老朋友的关爱一直温暖着我……谢谢YYKD,谢谢斑竹们为大家精心维护着这个精神家园,谢谢我亲爱的朋友们。《This Gift》是一首出自R&B组合98 Degrees(98度)的深情献唱,也是圣诞节里必听的暖人情歌。“在寂静的圣诞夜里,没有什么比靠近你更让我觉得温暖”...尽管这是一曲爱的表白,可谁又能说友情不是爱?

    This Gift --  98 Degrees

    The snow is falling, the city is white
    Your eyes are shining like diamonds tonight
    And we're all alone, there's no one home
    You're finally in my arms again

    The night is silent and christmas is here
    I couldn't ask for more than having you near
    'cause I love you, girl, I always will
    And now I know the moment is right
    The moment is right

    I've been waiting to give this gift tonight
    I'm down on my knees, there's no better time
    It's something to last for as long as you live
    Tonight I'm gonna give you (oh, girl) all my heart can give

    I thought I'd give you something shiny and new
    I tried to find something worthy of you
    But I realized when I looked inside
    There's some things that money can't buy (oh, no)

    I feel the magic whenever you're near
    I feel it even more this time of the year
    'cause I love you, girl, I always will
    And now I know the moment is right
    the moment is right

    Something's waiting to give this gift tonight
    I'm down on my knees, there's no better time
    It's something to last for as long as you live
    Tonight I'm gonna give you all my heart can give

    You know I'll always be true to you
    And you know I'm the one you can turn to(oh yeah)
    Any time, any place, or anywhere
    You know that I'll always be there(oh baby)


    这份礼物 98度

    大雪降下 染白了整个城市
    我们很孤独 没有人在家里

    因为我爱你 女孩 我会永远爱著你
    现在 我已知道是时候表白了 就在这一刻

    今晚我会在此守候 将这份礼物送给你
    我会向你跪下来 不会再有更适当的时刻
    今晚 我会全心全意地将它送给你


    我感觉到神奇的力量 每当你靠近我
    今年这一次我感觉到更多 因为我爱你 女孩
    现在 我已知道是时候表白了 就在这一刻

    你知道 我对你是真心的
    你知道 我是能让你依靠的人
    你知道 无论何时何地 我时时都会在你身旁

    - 译文音乐均源自网络 -
来自Autumn的节日问候 12/25/2006

•  【CHRISTMAS ALBUMS】Garritan Community 3CD made by lli_go
•  【节日祝福】Wintersong
•  【小乔•流水】东方爵色情歌
•  【NUTCRACKER】圣诞节传统芭蕾舞剧全剧音乐连播 by lili~
•  tbd


沙发!能做秋秋的沙发真的不容易~~ -远芳阑珊- 给 远芳阑珊 发送悄悄话 远芳阑珊 的博客首页 (114 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 17:32:31

是‘坐’。一着急把字打错了! -远芳阑珊- 给 远芳阑珊 发送悄悄话 远芳阑珊 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 17:36:36

阑珊好,节日快乐~ 今天终于让你“做”了一回沙发哈,为你开心~~ -Autumn- 给 Autumn 发送悄悄话 Autumn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 18:23:37

帖子好美!Autumn 圣诞愉快:)) -+只喝可乐的猫+- 给 +只喝可乐的猫+ 发送悄悄话 +只喝可乐的猫+ 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 17:33:13

可乐猫猫圣诞快乐~~~ :)) -Autumn- 给 Autumn 发送悄悄话 Autumn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 18:25:10

超过100度的暖人歌曲,多谢分享! -一程歌- 给 一程歌 发送悄悄话 一程歌 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 17:55:53

一程歌圣诞夜晚快乐! -Autumn- 给 Autumn 发送悄悄话 Autumn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 18:27:28

顶秋的精美好贴! -箫笛- 给 箫笛 发送悄悄话 箫笛 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 19:38:59

Thank Autumn for the nice【圣诞礼物】.Merry Christmas. -林贝卡- 给 林贝卡 发送悄悄话 林贝卡 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 21:05:35

《This Gift》is greatly appreciated! Happy Holidays to Autumn! -:)samHu(:- 给 :)samHu(: 发送悄悄话 :)samHu(: 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2006 postreply 21:13:45
