回复:关于四平 回复:毛泽东军事上的十大高招和五次失误

来源: 2010-04-13 10:46:27 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Also, one reason that Lin Piao couldn’t defend 四平 (Round 1) was that there was little or no mass people support. IMG, three basic factors that led to the eventual victory in 东北 were 1). Jiang’s failure to pursue Lin after the fall of 四平, 2)陈云(credit to Xiao Jiangkwan and Han Hsienhsu as well) 坚持了南满 as you said 一定程度上牵制了蒋介石,and 3) land reform in 北满.