
来源: 老搬运工 2010-08-10 07:51:05 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (6705 bytes)
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前两天的视频: 中国福音大会2009"宣教之夜"片段1 ,“殉道者之歌”——纪念师达能牧师夫妇殉道75周年().中国福音大会2009"宣教之夜"片段2,“不要怕,只要信!”芝加哥中国基督徒合唱团特别献诗,由黄安伦弟兄作曲并指挥。在他们献诗之后,一位特别的讲员走上了讲台。她是谁?她分享了什么?
请看今天在这里首发的一段视频:中国福音大会2009 宣教之夜 片段3



Dear brothers and sisters. 亲爱的弟兄姐妹

Grace and peace to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.在主耶稣基督里面向你们问安,愿恩惠平安归于你们。

What a privilege it is to speak to you tonight. 今天晚上我跟各位分享实在是我一个权利。

I am so thankful for the opportunity to proclaim the Lord’sfaithfulness, 我很感谢神让我有这个机会来宣讲神他的信实。to account His grace, 可以数算他的恩典,to tell His works in the assemblyof the righteous. 也可以分享他在属于他的人当中奇妙的工作。 May He receive gloryin these words that I say. 但愿从这些分享当中神得到荣耀。

I feel right at home among you, because I just returned fromChina one week ago. 我刚刚在一个礼拜之前从中国回来所以在你们当中我感到好像回家。I had theprivilege to study Chinese in Beijing, 在北京我有机会学习汉语。following the Lord Jesus Christ to theother side of the world 跟着主到了世界的另外一端。Some of you may knowthat my father, Carl Stam, was scheduled to be here tonight,也许你们当中有些朋友知道本来是我的父亲今天晚上应该在这里的to participate in themusic, and to bring a greeting on behalf of the Stam family.原来他是要在刚刚的音乐事工当中参与而且要把我们家族,代表我们家族来向各位问安。He sends hiswarmest blessings to you all. 他今天也实在是要透过我向各位问安。I am back inthe States now because my dad has had a serious recurrence ofcancer. 我突然从中国回到这里实际上是因为我的父亲突然他的癌症复发.。So I amhere to care for him and to serve my family until the Lord willgive me an opportunity to go back to China. 所以我现在留在美国一方面是服事我的父亲和我的家里直到主耶稣, 主再带我回中国去。 In these few minutes, I want to praise theFather for His kindness. 在这短短的时间我愿意称颂天父他的慈爱。For the greatGrace that He had shown to me through my family. 也愿意称颂他透过我的家庭给我所施的恩典。I am still very young but as Igrow to see more of the world, I grow more and more aware of thegreat undeserved blessings my family heritage is. 我还是非常年轻但是当我渐渐长大我就越来越看出我实在是不配得到神借着我们家族所给我的各样的恩典。

First, a little family history. 让我稍微跟各位介绍一下我的家。John Stam’s father, Peter Stam, firstcame to America from Holland in 1890. 师达能弟兄刚刚我们看到的,他的父亲在1890年从荷兰来到美国。He came to this country not yet knowing thesweet grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. 当他来美国的时候他并不认识主耶稣基督宝贝的恩典。A neighbor gave him a DutchEnglish parallel bible which he received mostly with an eagernessto learn the English language. 有一个他的邻居送了他一本荷语跟英语的双语的新约圣经,他就很乐意接受过来想借着这个来学习英语。But ashe read the precious pages of scripture, he discovered his holycreator God, his own sinful disobedience, and the glorious cross ofour Lord Jesus Christ. 但是当他打开圣经来看的时候,他就认识到创造天地伟大的神同时他也看到自己对神的亏欠,不遵从,更看见主耶稣基督荣耀的十字架。WhileI was in China, I saw many Chinese friends take up the scripturesfor a similar reason as my great great grandfather Peter.最近当我在中国的时候我也看见许多我的中国的朋友他们也会拿起圣经来,他们拿起来看也好像我的高曾祖父一样的这个原因。Theywere eager to learn English or understand western culture.他们想透过读这个圣经能学习英语明白西方的文化。I join with you in prayingthat many Chinese will come to know Jesus Christ in the same way asmy great grandfather, because someone gave them a copy of thescripture in their own language. 我很愿意跟你们一同祷告但愿许许多多的华人就好像我的高曾祖父一样因为有朋友把这个母语的圣经给了他们,他们可以因此认识主耶稣基督。Growingup as a Stam, I heard the stories of John and Betty Stam from theearliest I can remember. 从我的记忆当中我就听过很多关于师达能和师文明他们的故事。I wasso influenced by these stories that if you were to ask me as a sixyear old, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” I would havetold you, I want to be a missionary in China. 他们的故事深深地影响了我,虽然我在六岁的时候如果当时有人问我 说,你长大要做什么?我就会很直接的说,我长大我要到中国去当宣教士。I was not the onlyStam to have this thought. 但是在我们家族当中我并不是唯一的有这样的想法。After Johnand Betty’s sacrifice, the Lord led more than a dozen of my Stamrelatives to the mission field. 当师达能和史文明他们殉道之后,在他们的家族主引导了超过12位进入宣道的工厂。When I was eight years old, I rememberhearing my dad read John Stam’s famous letter home just days beforeJohn was killed. 我记得当我八岁的时候我父亲读到师达能他在他殉道前几天寄回家的信。Knowing thesoldiers were very near, John wrote, “as for us may God beglorified whether by life of by death”. 当他知道这些士兵越来越靠近,他就写说,至于我们,无论是生,无论是死,愿神得着荣耀。I rememberlittle eight year old tears falling my eyes and my heart swellingwithin me, thinking I too want God to be glorified in my smallexistence whether by life or by death. 我记得这个八岁的小女孩居然是流着眼泪但是在我的心里就充满了激动,我也愿意无论是死或者生,愿意我的一生能够荣耀神。When I was 13, I remember being in a worship service singing thepoem, “by life or by death”, written in memory of John and BettyStam. 我记得当我十三岁的时候在一个敬拜的聚会当中在唱一首诗,这首诗是为记念师达能夫妇写的,“或生或死”。Againthe Spirit rush through my 13 year olds’ understanding, filling myeyes with tears again and my heart with a deep willingness as Ising the words. 再一次圣灵就感动这个十三岁的女孩,虽然眼里是有眼泪但是心里也滿着感动说:“我愿意”。Ising, “Help me to know the value of each moments, the folly of mywasted hours to see.” 当时我在唱:“主啊,求你帮助我认识每时刻的价值,看见我所浪费的时光”。”Help me to trustthe Christ who born my sorrows andthus to yield in life or death to thee. “求你帮助我能够投靠这个曾经担负我痛苦的基督,然后让我把我的生命献给他,或生或死。”In all mydays, be glorified, Lord Jesus. In all my ways, oh guide me andsustain.” 主耶稣啊,让我所有的日子都能荣耀你,让我一切的道路由你来带领,由你来扶持。”And as youwill, use my whole life, my savior, and then for me to live isChrist, to die is gain. “我的救主啊,若是你愿意使用我的一生,然后我就知道,活着就是基督,死了就有益处。




红军万岁!美国最坏了 -红旗插遍华尔街- 给 红旗插遍华尔街 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/10/2010 postreply 19:19:59



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