
来源: 2021-08-26 20:23:39 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

很亲切。我81年来美第一个学校就是匹大,在那里两年,印象深刻。那时我住在 Posvar Hall (那时还叫 Forbes Quadrangle) 后面的 Meyran Ave 上。下面是我最近才写的一段有关那时在匹大所见的回忆:

It was in the fall; a very nice day like today.  It was late afternoon.  I was leaving Posvar Hall to go home when I heard children whooping with joy and saw a group of school kids playing an impromptu ball game in front of the hall.  They were running, they were jumping, they were laughing, they were grabbing the ball, they were throwing it high into the air; they were having a really good time.  And then, amidst all that joy and laughter and childish exuberance, I spotted this happy little puppy.  He was dashing and leaping and yelping with these kids.  The kids clearly treated him like he was part of them; he clearly saw himself as no different from the boys.  The boys and the puppy were gamboling in such harmony in that golden glow of the setting sun I almost couldn’t tell them apart.  I remember thinking, as I was watching them, "There’s the way things should be.  I wouldn’t mind staying here for life."