大明朝 is strongest in the world. and...

来源: 人心很古 2007-11-08 18:55:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (749 bytes)
清朝 is much weaker than 大明朝... oh yeah?

but 清朝 defeated 大明朝, how do you explain?

>> 英国大使马嘎尼来华期间,记载北京街头乞丐很多。许多百姓都是蓬头拓面,衣杉褴褛,因此他形容清朝不过是一个泥足巨人

We have more of these 蓬头拓面乞丐 during the communist rule, especially between 1961-1976.

>> 清朝国库常年空虚,而明朝国库绝大多数时间里都是盈满的,作何解释?

Extremely cruel exploitation by the 明朝 government, as very well documented in many histry books.


I am sorry but to say that "you are very stupid". All the stuff you quoted can be extremely easily refuted. I just dont have time and interest to do so.

Take care.



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